With Clarified, you can change some of the labels such as “Read More“, and several more text label-based elements. We will take you through each one below, including the Blog Intro heading group which gives you a title and intro. This already has its own tutorial for Clarified, but we will add it here too.

Blog Intro Labels

NoteThe blog heading is only if you are not using a custom page for your blog.

screenshot of the Clarified blog heading group settings for the title and intro
  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Label Options.
  2. Customize the label you want to change for each of the listed label settings
  3. Click Publish button.

When done, this will add a similar blog intro group to the live demo like this:

NOTE: When you move the blog from the front page of your website, this setting will no longer be used; the page you create will then be used to display the title and the introduction text. However, the setting to disable the intro, even with a page being used, will still hide it if you choose.

Custom Post Format Intros

Similar to the blog intro, you can also add custom introductions to your post format sections. These are like categories where a post is assigned to a post format, for example, image, gallery, quote, etc.

screenshot showing the Clarified post format settings for intros
  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Label Options.
  2. Customize the label you want to change for each of the listed label settings
  3. Click Publish button.

Read More Label

To change Read More to something else, you can use this setting:

  • Go to Appearance > Customiz> Label Options
  • Edit the Read More Text field
  • Click the Publish button
screenshot for the Read More label setting

Clarified includes the option to display Related Posts at the bottom of each article, but this tutorial is going to show how you can change the heading “Your Might Also Like“.

screenshot of the Clarified related posts
  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Label Options
  2. Look for the Related Posts label field and then change it to your own preference
  3. Click the Publish button.

Featured Post Label

If you assign a blog post (or posts) as a featured (sticky) post, they get a Featured label status. This means they stay at the top of your blog page. For Clarified, we have a styled label for this, but you can change the text for it.

screenshot demo of the Clarified featured label on a post
  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Label Options
  2. Look for the Featured Label Text label field and then change it to your own preference
  3. Click the Publish button.
screenshot for the featured label text setting

Hero Text for the Front Page Banner

We’ve already touched base on this in an earlier tutorial, but for your Front Page Banner, the Call-to-Action is another name for the Hero Text. This is what it looks like on the front page:

screenshot demo for the front page banner
  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Label Options
  2. Look for the Hero text labeled and change them to your own preference
  3. Click the Publish button.
screenshot for the Hero front page banner text settings